Monday 9 February 2015

360 SPECIALIZED TRAINING - Cape Town, Western Cape. (1-on-1 Training Studios)

So excited to find an opportunity to blog about this Capetownian Fitness Hot-Spot, as we (I) were there when they first launched. Its so amazing to see how they have clearly grown, and have already been featured in/on many magazines, radios & blog posts. So the extra attention may not have been necessary, but it seemed like fate when we hit the Google Search Engine for "1-on-1 Training Studios in the Western Cape", and this was a smack in the face option. 

Please meet....

What is it exactly that they do, well, they were one of the first gyms to feature functional training in its entirety and move away from the stereotypical weight training monkey pit training concept, it almost seems like they lead the trend.

360 is a rejuvenating concept of revolutionized personal training, (I know right, mouthful), but they see it as extremely functional, yet scientific, creatively insane, yet structured, and brutally tough, yet totally enjoyable....and all this provides optimum health and maximum results. (Sounds a little cookoo ne'?!, maar dis 'n kookoo waarvan ons hou - WE LOVE this approach.) 

They way they see it is that the future of training away from the dated and mundane 'body-building' approach has arrived, and we all know its becoming more prominent to move into functional training, and training that completely transforms your body, but also prepares for anything you throw at it. 

So these guys specialize in variation and total fitness, providing you with an enjoyable, rewarding and totally captivating experience. THEY MAKE TRAINING AN EXPERIENCE, not a dull, 'have-to-do-chore', because we think we fat and need to fit into skinnies.

"The name 360 has two meanings, the 1st being that you are challenged in all three planes of motion, replicating everyday living and sporting movements, and being complete, which means you work on your weaknesses to make you more efficient by improving your biometer abilities. Being speed, strength, endurance, flexibility and co-ordination. This teamed with the passionate trainers who make this a lifestyle approach, by incorporating outdoor activities and crazy challenges aimed at all levels, gives rise to the ultimate cybernetic organism (body) transformation" - Chris Walsh (Owner) 

So besides, 1-on-1 training, they also offer seriously freaking awesome group sessions, which look like torture from the pics, but you will notice smiles, (maybe they were edited in, but still they are there.) Seriously, we can personally vouch that this is a happy place for your body.

The classes include, Warrior Workout, Kettlebell Workout, Tight Tush, Urban Stretch, Box-Fit, Cardio Blast & 360 Fit. 

PLEASE do yourself a BIG favour, and go stalk them @

Watch AD ever....


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