Wednesday 18 February 2015


These guys always get it right, and can probably beat most competition when it comes to the best healthy smoothies, our feature in MEDIA & GASTRONOMY this month.

We wanted to review a more fruit based smoothie, and one of our favourites at KAUAI is the YOGA BERRY SMOOTHIE, love, love, love!!! So refreshing, best way to start a day, totally better than coffee...

What makes this little number so nice?

It includes Raspberry, Strawberry, Blackberry, Banana & Apple Juice, all of which are good for you and all of which are individually beautiful fruits. 

Here's why they are good for you...

RASPBERRIES have anti-oxidants & Anti Inflammatory benefits, alleviate arthritis, have obesity and blood sugar benefits, and ANTI-CANCER BENEFITS (Score!!!)
STRAWBERRIES, also have Anti-Oxidant & Anti-Inflammatory Benefits, and as a result have Cardiovascular benefits, and too have Blood Sugar Benefits and ANTI-CANCER benefits!
BLACKBERRIES, also have ANTI-CANCER benefits, and Cardiovascular benefits, but are also good for skin health, bone health, diabetes and digestive tract health.
BANANA, are so good they seem like a super-food, as they are good for beating depression, sustaining blood sugar levels, also have Anti-Inflammatory benefits, strengthens your blood, aids in digestion, good for constipation, PMS, AND YOU CAN POLISH YOUR SHOES with the skin. They too have Anti-Cancer benefits.
& APPLES, are good for assisting prevention of Alzheimer's, Diabetes, has health health benefits, weight management and liver detox benefits, as well as reducing cholesterol and, again, they too have Anti-Cancer Benefits. (HAPPY) 

And you can get all this from ANY KAUAI nationwide, and there are several in KWA-ZULU NATAL, as well as Gauteng, Western Cape, Eastern Cape, Free State & Limpopo.

We love KAUAI, for their friendly staff, good food and the fact that they strive to offer a clean, healthy menu inspired by the summery lifestyle of the Hawaiian Island, Kauai. They want you to expect dishes made from fresh & natural ingredients, such as, gourmet sandwiches, veggie wraps & vibrant salads. But there are hot dishes too, including a Thai Green Curry Noodle Bowl. Kauai is legendary for their delicious healthy smoothies and freshly squeezed fruit & vegetable juices. 

Find them @


1 comment:

  1. Kauai smoothies are awesome - but if you want a smoothie every day its better to get yourself a smoothie maker. Kauai also uses the OmniBlend Smoothie Maker, so you can also make you own smoothies at home. If you are interested in such a industrial blender, please use discount coupon 'wellnesstrail' to get a 10% discount at
