Tuesday 17 February 2015

NEON RUN - Durban, Kwa-Zulu Natal. (Road Running, Marathons & Sporting Events)

So excited to reporting on this again, did it last year and it seriously is more than a run, its a TOTAL JOL!!!! Such an awesome concept!!! So excited to add it to our list of MARATHONS & SPORTING EVENTS!!!

Its baaaack.....ta da duhhhhhhh....


Ever been to a race where to GLOW is the only fashion sense, its whats both desired and required, other than actually having fun while you run a race. Its South Africa's most ELECTRIC NIGHT ROAD RACE EVENT where individuals either Run, Cycle, Skate or Walk a 5km route covered in total Neon attire and body paint. 

We think the point is not to even try and win, although you can get competitive, the point is first and foremost, to have fun, hence the dress code....and everyone dresses up, trust us, don't be left out. You'll just look silly.

Prepare o be wonder-struck as you 'glide' through different Glow Zones throughout the race that brings both Neon and complete giddy joy into your life.

And its not one of those races where you run, win...or not, and then go home with or without a medal, no sirs and ma'am's, because at the finish line is where it actually all really starts. You end your run in an incredible neon explosion of colour, life, lights, sound and some of SA's best performance artists who will entertain you well into the late evening hours....we just think they make you run to earn your party, and its a party of note.

This years line-up at various events already includes....MiCasa, DJ's Fresh & your naughty Uncle Rogie, Roger Goode, as well as Chris Taylor, Desmond & the Tutu's, GoodLuck, Grassy Spark, Rubber Duc...to name a few...its total madness, and ANYONE can do this run, but you have to run in order to party...ok?!. 


For more info please visit them @ www.neonrun.co.za

Last year in Durban...so cool
And then....Dodgie Uncle Rodgie
Can you really think of a good reason to miss this.....no, didnt think so.


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