Thursday 6 November 2014 - National


This month is exciting, we are focusing on the convenience of READY-TO-EAT-HEALTHY-FOOD-THAT-IS-DELIVERED-TO-WHEREVER-THE-HELL-YOU-WANT-IT, so home or office, and anywhere in South Africa, almost.

That's our focus in MEDIA & GASTRONOMY, and this month its awesome because its both Media & Gastronomy, yay, two birds!!!

Gone are the days when we thought that 'HEALTHY-FOOD' meant boring meals that tasted like Cardboard and Brussel-Sprouts, with a little olive-oil dressing on the side. NOPE, its changed, a lot, LIKE LOTS LOTS, and this fabulous company has made eating healthy, not only cool, but a total culinary experience, but more than that, they have MADE-LIFE-VERY-FLIPPEN-EASY. 

80% of how you look like is what goes in your mouth, and FIT-CHEF, is there to make you look FABULOUS!!! 

There is quiet allot to absorb, and we are going to give the quick version here, but please go online and look at their website for more direct info, @, but lets see if we can peek your interest first.

The FitChef Eating Concept came about after a lot of frustration from putting in massive amounts of exercise, AND.STILL.BEING.OVER.WEIGHT!!! (Right?!!!) Food is an investment, and if your fridge and freezer isn't full of excellent, ready-to-eat meals, then you might resort to unhealthy eating habits, processed foods, high carbs, refined breads, etc...'Wayne Kaminsky - CEO' 

Wayne believes that Preparation is the Key. Knowing full well that EXERCISE-DOES-NOT-EQUAL-THIN, but eating healthy does. He believes that we need to stop outsourcing our eating decision to 'experts' with large advertising campaigns and hidden agendas. (One of the worst things you can do is eat diet-food low-fat products, there is so much crap in those meals that its healthier to eat the normal version, which isn't all that healthy to start with.) You need to be aware of the ingredients and what you are eating, foods should be recognizable and not include chemicals, of any sort, natural is the key here.

BUT we know that doing this properly IS SOOOOOO TIME CONSUMING, and we really don't have a 'cooking' clue as to what is right for us and our needs, even with all the information out there. (TRUST US, FIT-CHEF HAS A CLUE, a very good one, you more than likely don't.)

There aren't large amounts of cheap ingredients in FitChef meals, as they focus on Nutrient rich foods, organic options where possible, unrefined and non-bleached products, little or no dairy, NO high carbs, as far as possible, and absolutely no preservatives. (That is the best start, ever, start there and grow your new eating habits.)

FitChef wants you to Eat Well & Feel Well, and lose unwanted weight and body-fat, but in a sustainable manner. 
Their RANGE ranges from Active-DIET, to Health+PLUS, Vegetarian, Vegan, Smoothies, and includes a Bright Kids Range....BUT what we are also loving is their CHEAT DAY range, its CHEAT TREATS, fan.friggen.tastic. You'll love this part too. 

So how it works is like this, THEY STOCK YOUR FRIDGE & FREEZER, at work or at home, with the healthiest food and smoothies, and its all prepared in advance and then frozen in your Freezer, but its planned for how and when you consume, so basically they even tell you when to eat it. LIFE IS THIS EASY. Its basically a week or month long food stock, packaged and presented in the order it needs to be consumed. (It depends on the eating plan you have taken which is dependent on your needs and goals....its all sorted, all of it....and they deliver to JHB, PTA, DBN & CAPE TOWN, and probably many places close by, but call them, let them tell you.)

FitChef is Naturally Better, and we think this is the way forward. If you aren't getting the physical appearance results you want, its time to ask for help. Lets face it, its so much easier to just ask for help, and help they will give, in bucket loads. 

Happy Eating, Happy Body, Happy You....go to for more.


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