Monday 24 November 2014

BLU CORE PILATES, Hartebeespoort Dam, North West.

This month in FITNESS TRAINING & ACTIVITIES, we are focusing on PILATES, and we found a total gem of a studio in Hartebeespoort, North West.

Ever had that feeling after searching forever for something, not finding what you want, get really frustrated, wanting to give up, but knowing you have to go on, then finally finding a few options, but not being sure, cause its not what you had in your head, then something pops up,but its not really where you wanted it, but you know that instinctively, you are totally drawn, you resist, you play around, but you keep being guided back, and then you realise this is exactly where you should be and that the struggle was the only way to guide you here...? Then it all makes sense.
This is what we went through, this is where we were meant to be, this is perfect, we are happy. 


Welcome to Blu Core Pilates, offering professional Pilates Classes to ANY AGE & ANY FITNESS, they will work at your level and build you up to theirs. Pilates will benefit anyone and they will show you how.

Pilates, (or Contrology, as it was originally known, we did not know this, but it was so called as it referred to the minds ability to control the body, and its muscles, totally apt.) but we digress, Pilates develops the body uniformly, corrects posture, restores physical vitality, invigorates the mind and elevates the spirit. (We like that and never thought of like that, but its so totally true.) By emphasizing the proper breathing, correct spinal alignment and concentration on smooth , flowing movement, you become acutely in tune with your body and actually learn how to control its movement. 
(Most people think they are in control, but their past, BAD HABITS, are really what is in control. We switch to auto pilot and have no idea of what we are really doing to our body, and Pilates, especially a good trainer, brings us right back to being in the drivers seat.)

Pilates also develops Core Strength, increases Flexibility and really gives the entire body a solid workout. 

Founder and Instructor, Adelle Wentzel, who is a BASI certified trainer, opened Blu Core Pilates last year in January, and has been going strong ever since. When you go there and meet with her, you will understand why we just had to blog about this gem studio. 

1 comment:

  1. Adelle is the best! I have been doing Pilates for nearly ten years now and have learnt more from Adelle in the nearly a year I have been to BluCore than from all my other instructors put together. She is kind, caring and professional.
