Wednesday 17 September 2014


Home Exercise is not for everyone, but as part of our PRODUCTS & APPAREL section for this month, we feel it best you at least know what you can take home, what's practical and affordable, and what actually does work. 
Exercise Equipment will never be a waste of money, ever, exercise is never a waste, and even if you are a gym bunny, there are those days when being at home would suffice, and then, even if that's the only time, then we want you to at least have the right tools. But we want to try and find products that are under R5000.00, AND do more that just blast-your-abs, lets at least blast a few more parts of that temple of yours. 

Today we want you to get your mean on....

Boxing is an AMAZING way to get fit and strong, AND BURN FAT...its one of the quickest hardcore ways to burn calories as its so intense, up to 1000 per hour. But you can also deal with your emotions, frustrations and anger while you are exercising. Everybody needs to burn off pent up negative energy, so not only is this a physical wellness facilitator, but its 100% a mental wellness facilitator, without a doubt!!!

The stress release aspect is nothing short of marvellous, as its mental and physical, not only will it make you more cheerful, afterwards that is, but its good for your self-esteem, and emotional development...Boxing really does help you relax, as much as yoga would, but add the two together and you are sorted. 

The stress we hold onto is often there because we cant let it out at others, whether it be physical or emotional, and all it does is fester, and festered emotions fuel Non-Communicable Diseases. 

What we like is that this allows for self-defence skill development, as there are so many kicks and punch combinations involved, should you be caught in a bad situation, you can at least kick a crotch with intent, or break a nose and then get away. 

But did you know that boxing can build a stronger heart and help maintain a balanced heart rate, as well as improve the strength of the heart muscles. 

Because boxing involves sparring, bouncing, ducking, pivoting, punching and even kicking, it requires repetitive motion of, and from, your entire body. Its these movements that provide the strength and power to your core, back, arms and legs, as well as improving your joint strength and mobility. 


We went shopping for you at Mr Price Sport for your start up kit, and this is what we think you need, ALL under R5000.00...yay

We think that's a good start, it may be all you need if you train alone, but otherwise sparring and kicking equipment are a good addition. 

BUT, now here's the thing, what do you do once you have the goods, we suggest investing in DVD's, which you'll get at Mr Price, or online, BUT also go to a professional coach for a few lessons, just to ensure correct technique....there's that old thing people shouldn't say but do, 'You box like a girl', don't be that girl or guy who barely even massages the bag with a limp wrist. 

Go to Mr Price Sport for more or find them @

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