Monday 22 September 2014

STREET DANCE with DancEnigma (Port Elizabeth)

YAY, something we can use without a partner, to get your groove on in a Club, or alone, in your own lounge, but SO MUCH FUN, and they can take you to stage, and perform, why not, you only live 9 times right? Each time you should dance til you die!

In FITNESS TRAINING & ACTIVITIES, we are focusing on Dance for Exercise, and this week, STREET DANCE. With so much focus on it of late, especially with movies dedicated to it, we thought we'd follow trend and join the party. 


DancEnigma is Street Dance for everyone! They are the No.1 provider of street dance and hip-hop classes in South Africa, and have a flair for Beginners & Intermediate, so if you are completely new, you are sorted. 
They will work with any age group, and are currently only based in Port Elizabeth. 

So, for those of you who don't know exactly what street dance is, its a fusion of choreography from a variety of styles making possibilities endless. More popular styles taught at DancEnigma include, Popping, Locking, Vogue, Wacking, Krump, Dance Hall Funk, Nu Skool & Houes...(and you're like what???) Simply put for the complete beginner, its close enough to Hip-Hop, Google that and you'l have an idea. 
Its a fusion, with no boundries and many options, but it'l leave you feeling seriously cool.

The talented, friendly and energetic instructors have experiance in various styles of dance and have worked with a huge array of abilities, so you will never feel a fool, in fact, you might even think you should be the lead in the next 'Step-Up' or Street Dance' movie, (even if only in your head, its fine). But this will also help you being newer to it all as it'l help you develop your own unique style, which is the best part of Street Dance, its your style that matters most. 

So you have to watch a few videos to get an idea, because we cant describe this more, BUT, we must tell you, IT IS AMAZING EXERCISE!!!

The Movie...
Rehearsal with DancEnigma...SO MUCH FUN

Find them @ #WellnessisEverywhere

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