Thursday 18 September 2014


FOOD, WE LOVE FOOD....which is why in this month's MEDIA & GASTRONOMY we are focusing on food you can make in your own kitchen, and no, we are NOT fusing over how healthy it is, we'd like you to be conscious though, and know that if it is lathered in butter, sugar & salt, that you realise that you need to watch every other meal you eat beyond that, for at least a few days. 

We do recommend clean healthy eating first, but don't deprive yourself if its occasional, work it in to your cheat day, or get creative and find healthy substitutes, go on-line, learn more. 

WE ALSO LOVE the Bo-Kaap, and we love that this book celebrates that heritage...traditional heritage food, IS THE BESTEST, always!


Cape Malay food culture is something that we should have as much an interest in, as we do braais' and mealies, Potjie Kos....if you like neither of these, then you are not truly South African, or you're just weird. 

This book, that celebrates our diverse culture through damn-fine-food, is written and photographed by locals who are neither members of the Cape Muslim Community, nor known as cookbook writers, yet its been voted in as a Top 5 Cookbook. (See there is hope for us all.)

Photographer, Craig Fraser & writer, Maggie Mouton, turned first to tourism guide & Bo-Kaap specialist, Shireen Narkedien, and then had a good sit down with 21 women, and a couple of men, to embrace their heritage, record their stories and steal their recipes...haha..willingly released we might add. 

Some of these heritage women are just that, heritage marvels that should be celebrated and revered, they are also in their 80's, and the others are just starting in their careers as chefs, or have recipes passed down from their own families, mostly, these are older recipes that have a history of love, family and tradition as part of the recipe. 

Most seem to have started off cooking from an early age, and still do, hence tradition is a first right. There is a shared emphasis on family values, festivals and other fabulous ceremonies. Fraser & Mouton went to weddings, funerals, religious celebration and to mosques, leaving them in no doubt as to the communities contribution to Cape Town and South Africa. 

Each contributor seems to have a story, that's part of the book, like Masturah Adams's story, in which she presents a contrast, she is a business strategist at a transport company who is giving back to the community with a soup kitchen she started during Ramadan 11 years ago. With the help of a community organisation Boorhaanol, they serve 250 families with 12 000 soup servings during the fast month. A.M.A.Z.I.N.G!!!

Several stars in the book, cook and bake for tourists, most of whom rave about this fragrant, spicy cuisine. And if you just page through the recipes that follow each life story, brings to mouth-watering recall aromas of ginger, garlic, coriander, cumin, cinnamon, cloves & turmeric. (ALL GOOD FOR DISEASE CONTROL B.T,W!) 

Ok, we are going to stop and just let you buy the book from almost anywhere, but we know you will find it @


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