40% of Cancers can be Prevented with Wellness Management - World Health Organization
Wellness Management includes a Healthy Diet and Loads of Exercise.
Join the #IWillFightCancer Challenge,
Celebrating Warriors & Survivors
Who have or Continue to Fight Cancer.
Challenge your Clients & Classes
TRAIN in PINK for October!
Show us What you do to Stay Fit & Healthy
TAG us in Group SELFIES using #IWillFightCancer
Facebook @thewellnesstrail - Twitter @wellnesstrailsa - Instagram @wellnesstrailsa
Nominate your Peers, other Trainers, Mates & Family to
Take up the Challenge and Train in Pink for October!
Help us Support the PinkDrive in South Africa,
Text 'FIGHT' to 40158 to donate R20 (T's&C's Apply)
Win Fabulous Prizes!!!
SUUNTO Ambit3 Sport
The MultiSport GPS Watch with Mobile Connection Designed for Women
(Valued at R6999.00)
Suunto Ambit3 Sport Info
Lorna Jane Voucher
(Valued at R 1500)
Stunning Coffee Table Book:
(Valued at R 600)
Lorna Jane on Facebook
Lorna Jane Home
5 Zest4Life 6-Week Wellness Makeover Packages
(Total Value R 15 000)
Zest4Life on Facebook
To enter, WhatsApp/Text your response message from the PinkDrive to 084-401-4803

Win Fabulous Prizes!!!
SUUNTO Ambit3 Sport
The MultiSport GPS Watch with Mobile Connection Designed for Women
(Valued at R6999.00)
Suunto Ambit3 Sport Info
Lorna Jane Voucher
(Valued at R 1500)
Stunning Coffee Table Book:
(Valued at R 600)
Lorna Jane on Facebook
Lorna Jane Home
5 Zest4Life 6-Week Wellness Makeover Packages
(Total Value R 15 000)
Zest4Life on Facebook
To enter, WhatsApp/Text your response message from the PinkDrive to 084-401-4803

#JustSoYouKnow.....Sheila (above), is an 82 Year Old Cancer Survivor,
she started treatment whilst 81, and I just taught her to box for the 1st time.
Sheila FIGHTS HARD, takes no prisoners, gives Cancer the Right Royal Middle Finger,
and Stays Fit, she Stays Healthy, and she Lives Life Well. #IconofHope #Survivor
Many thanks to Nira Sklair Photography for these Beautiful Images, you are a true gem.