Tuesday 26 August 2014


The last week of each month is going to be hard, as we focus on a specific area within each daily category, and we have to choose which is the best to put last and leave the rest, MAN THIS IS HARD, we really are so incredibly blessed in South Africa to have what we have and how we find the means to enjoy it. 

In MARATHONS & SPORTING EVENTS, our focus was Trail Running Events & Marathons, and we found this beauty of an event, as hardcore as it is, have a look...

Before we go too far into telling you about it, have a look at the where it is part....man-alive, wow...

OK, enough, so the BERG & BEACH TRAIL RUN, or the MOUNTAIN & COAST TRAI RUN, is in HERMANUS, one of our, 'ONE THE MOST BEAUTIFUL PLACES ON EARTH, let-alone-South-Africa', choices, and it celebrates the beauty of Hermanus by taking you all the way through it.

Its a toughie, no lies, as Day 1 is the the BEACH/COAST Trail run of only 23kms, and Day 2 is the MOUNTAIN & TRAIL RUN. 
And if you want their is a 11km as a Day 3, should you feel inspired.

Day 1 starts out on an old 4x4 track along the cliffs overlooking the bay for about 4km before dropping down onto the beach itself. After a couple of crossing over some rocky sections, the beach opens up and runners will be wedged between sand dunes and water on hard packed sand. 

The area is pristine and runners will often see the TOBY or OYSTER Catcher Bird, and the run tales place during the Southern Right Whale Breeding Season, so you are bound to see them close inshore whilst you run. (AWESOME)

The start time is at low-tide, which will provide at least a 4-hour window of hard sand, however it is unsure if the river mouth will open, so runners may need to cross the mouth at low-tide, but you will be monitored so nobody is in danger. (Makes it more fun we say) 
The run continues along the cliff path to Mossel River and follows it under the main road eventually finishing at the Fernkloof Nature Reserve botanical garden. 

Day 2, starts on a tarred road, leading into a single track hking trail for 99% of the remainder of the race. The tracks contour up towards the Top of the Mountain and Fernkloof Nature Reserve making it possible to run most of the climb. (because that's easier than walking...)

The views are 2nd to none, as you will be traversing valleys, ridges and plateaus rich in fynbos, bird life & higher up the Klipspringer, kilometer for kilometer, this is one of the best trails you'll ever run along with all its vistas. (Nice ne'?!)

Find out more @ Quantum AdventuresBerg & Beach


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