Wednesday 20 August 2014


Gadgets and technology cannot be ignored when it comes to enhancing wellness, especially when they can assist with how and when you exercise, providing tracking systems and online programs that push you forward.

This month in PRODUCTS & APPAREL, we are focusing on Smart Watches that can be used with Smart Phones...remember the day's when you watched far-fetched futuristic television that had watches that could run your life, let alone tell the time???

Well we are here, and IT IS FANFRIGGENTASTIC!!!!

We are not here to say which concept is better, as you need to investigate each product for yourself, what we are doing is giving you more choice and showing you things you may not know exist, and things that can facilitate wellness.

What we love about the Sony Smartwear device and the LIFELOG program that links it to your phone, is that it can literally track your life and your movements.
Its optimised for the Xperia Smartphone and Tablets, but can be used on other Android devices, we believe stay with Sony here.

So how it works is it has a sensor that automatically tracks whether you have been running, walking, cycling or just watching a movie, it counts steps, monitors speed and can even calculate your sleeping patterns.
This we think is cool, because the watch can decide for you when you need to wake up.

Obviously you need to set up the program as to what suits you best, but this aspect tracks things automatically for you, ANNNNND you don't need to carry your phone with you, it automatically updates when your are near it, after your run, walk or calorie burning pop-corn eating marathon. (Oh it does that too, count your calories)

Be careful, the Lifelog program helps you spy on yourself, tracking everything, what music you listened to, what photos you took, who and how often you spoke to someone, and careful, you might not want to know these things. Actually, this is quite cool too because you can monitor personal patterns, some of which you may want to change.

We think you should investigate further, especially if you are a SONY fan!

Have a look see @ - lifelog & smartwear


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