Monday 13 April 2015

THE ARMOURY BOXING CLUB - Cape Town, Western Cape

This is totally cool, we love it when people take a concept and make it even more awesome than it already is. So, this month we are focusing on BOXING STUDIO's for FITNESS TRAINING & ACTIVITIES, and we found this fantastic spot in the fabulous Cape Town. They take BOXING to new heights, where it should be. 

Boxing isn't just about being in a ring and making wet-tissues of someones head, it not all about boys who want to prove that they have innate ability to facilitate people judging them for their lack of intellect, as their only blatant desire is to moer another twit with the same, its not that at all, and hopefully excludes that persona completely. 

Boxing is something everyone should be adding to their weekly exercise routine, and here's why.

The Armoury is a good old fashioned boxing club, which means great workouts, progressive learning and hard-earned rewards in a friendly environment. No posing, No nonsense and a total escape from the ordinary. 

"Walk a lobby replete with leather studded chairs, black and white floor tiles, a boxing library, trophies and chandeliers." (Maybe not so good old fashioned then, but we like...a lot) "Class. Inside - white faced walls, retro pugilistic artwork, bags swinging from black steel trusses and a large ring centre stage. 'Boom-Book' gloves pound on pads, skipping ropes slap the floor and the high energy hums along with the Armoury Sound System. You smile and get stuck in. Walk out...stoked, with a spring in your step, live." 

The Armoury not only provides boxing lessons for real Fight-Nights, but they proudly give you options of Personal Training in boxing, as well as Physical Training, that includes LADIES THAT PUNCH, which is an awesome training program designed specially for the gals who want to torch the fat, shape up and feel good. We said it before and we stand by it, boxing is phenomenal for weight loss. This spirited and fun program combines boxing basics, no sparring or full contact, and it comes with high intensity interval training giving you the results you really want. 

There is also the option of ARMOURY INTERVAL TRAINING, which is a get-fit class, taken indoors and outdoors, and includes dynamic warm ups, interval training with primal moves and plyometrics, pushes, pulls, squats, leaps, lunges, etc..., and we also see sprints and stretching....its all there. They measure, motivate, coach and educate through the process of making you the best you can be.

And then there is WHITE COLLAR BOXING, boxing for persons of distinction. This is wher people can express themselves through action and is quite the concept, but basically,, is it a recreational form of the real thing, but very safe and with extra padding. A bout consists of just three two-minute rounds and the boxers are protected by 16 ounce gloves, which are seriously padded ones, as well as groin protectors and head guards. BUT it also comes with a 3-month commitment of rigorous training, which includes technical, physical and mental development. Its tough, but thats boxing, however it is there to bring out your champion. 

We eccomend a good site check and then go book many a session and really get into it, find out more @

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