Tuesday 7 April 2015

SEB's Elite Boxing - Pretoria, Gauteng.

This month in FITNESS TRAINING & ACTIVITIES, we thought we'd get you into the idea of BOXING, if you haven't tried it, its very therapeutic. You know those days when you just want to bliksem,donder, moer, skop, or just slap someone silly, because, well, because they are wasting space, those days, those are the ones when you should get your gloves on, BUT TO HIT A BAG.

We love boxing, more important reasons though, even though getting your aggression out and dealing with your emotions, by beating the crap outta a big bag, that doesn't hit back, is a good enough reason on its own, No, we really love how the physical aspect of boxing is great for you, it burns fat, makes you fitter, faster, and is incredible for toning and strengthening. And.....it clears your head. 
It also improves agility, relieves stress, and is totally fun. (And you will sleep MUCH better, cause its so exhausting) 

Please meet.....
SEB's Elite Boxing 

Boxing is one of the most popular ways of getting and staying fit, and if its a lean, toned, strong and responsive body you are after, this is your thing. The effects are quite quick, and the workout is immediate, VERY immediate. 5 mins of solid boxing is exhausting. 

SEB's is awesome, their services are numerous and also offer personal training options, with trainers that offer you their time, knowledge and full motivating support to help you get the results you need. 

They also offer Boxing Classes, and have Weights and Cardio facilities, so you are guaranteed of getting a cross-training experience with boxing s a feature. 

Boxing is also not gender and age specific, AT ALL, it really is for everyone, everyone who needs it, and we know of very few people who don't, maybe the Dalai Lama, dunno, although he can probably beat the living poo-poo out of you.

You will feel the benefit of great physical conditioning, increased confidence and productivity, and you will not leave in a bad mood, its almost impossible.

We think that this is an option that everyone should pursue, there is nothing like it for the mind and body, maybe add a bit of Yoga and some running, and your week is sorted.

Just try it, once, we know that's all it takes....for more information, go to www.eliteboxing.co.za

Watch this...
#Wellnessis Everything

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